

Why Desire Map?

If you have had the chance to poke around the site, you will have noticed that threads of Danielle LaPorte’s work are woven into This is because I love her inside-out approach and I believe that for some people, asking themselves “How Do I Want To Feel?” is going to be their ticket to renewed clarity. Plus, her approach is complementary to all that I have designed with my own LIFEMAP Program and products. This gives my client the option to take the best from both approaches and really create some magic.

As a Licensed Desire Map Facilitator, I will be offering Desire Map Workshops throughout the year. January 21st is almost full but I have March and June open and will entertain other dates if there is a demand for it. (

In October of 2018, I am bringing Danielle LaPorte to Saskatoon to Keynote for my annual INSPIRE RETREAT. In fact, it’s almost 50% sold out and I haven’t even spread the word yet because I have been busy with the rebrand. You can learn more at fire/ This is going to be one event you will NOT want to miss. If you want to check out Danielle’s work, please do so here:

Ease. Expansion. Authenticity. Love. Connection.
Let’s take 2018 and make some magic, shall we?

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