50 Shades of Happy Book

Are You Telling The Right Story?

The story you tell yourself becomes the life you live, so you had better get your story right. 

No pressure, though, because you can re-write your story anytime you feel it is getting off track. You can always re-invent yourself. In fact, who you are becoming will likely determine what you are doing and as you move through the various seasons of life, what you are doing changes because of who you are becoming. 

Much of my coaching focuses on the stories we tell ourselves and how these stories impact how we live our lives, what we believe we deserve, and how we go about getting it or if we give up altogether.

Changing our stories as we need allows us to be in control of the life we live. 

Stories that we tell serve a purpose, and if we dig deep into this, we may learn that the reasons we tell a certain story are not exactly flattering. Perhaps you tell the story of your divorce with you as the victim to get sympathy. Maybe you tell the story of a toxic workplace to get support. It could even be you tell the story of how much you struggle so that people rescue you.

What if you changed the stories? You left a bad marriage because you know your value and worth and believe you are destined for great love. You quit a job or started a business to empower yourself and have more control over your time and working environment. You overcame struggle by being creative and facing problems head on and you feel empowered and unstoppable.

It is not what happened to you that matters, but the story you tell yourself about what happened that matters.

If you would like to read more, grab a copy of the book and dig in! This excerpt was taken from p. 120, 50 Shades of Happy: How to Master Your Thinking and Dominate Your Day.  All of Jennifer’s books are available on Amazon.

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