50 Shades of Happy Book

Have the Hard Conversations

(From p. 180, 50 Shades of Happy: How to Master Your Thinking and Dominate Your Day)

Close your eyes, inhale deeply so your ribs expand, and begin that hard conversation. Push through everything that is uncomfortable. Hide your face under a pillow. Look the other way if it is so uncomfortable at first but HAVE THEM. Because these hard conversations may be exactly what you need to free yourself (and maybe even the other person) from everything that is unspoken, from assumptions, and from judgments. A hard conversation can fix the world or free you to reinvent it.

This is also how we truly build intimacy. We let other people see us. Authentically. Vulnerably and soulfully naked.  We speak our truth and instead of being met with judgment and harsh words we are met with kind eyes and open hearts, and we realize that some people can know everything about us and love us all that much more. This is one way to heal our past hurts – allowing ourselves to be loved even when someone knows all of us.  

Also, this is how we let go of shit. We speak it. We put it down. We purge it. We cut off its tentacles. It no longer lives within us bumping around in the hallways of our mind owning us and creating a false truth of our value. This is how we let go of shame too. Say it. Toss it on the table. Discuss it. Let it shrink. 

If we are honest about who we are, what we need and want, and how we expect to be treated, there is way less room for confusion. And, the ones that realize you are going to require too heavy an investment for their liking, are going to choose to take the exit ramp. That’s okay.  While it may sting, your communication will have saved you from future heartache and unhappiness. It leaves you open to receive the goodness that is on the way to you.

Your communication styles give you roots that can grow deep into the soil and anchor you in a solid way of knowing what and who you are. It allows the storms to roll through your life while you remain grounded and resilient because you know your truth, have claimed it as yours, and can share it with others. 

If you would like to read more, grab a copy of the book and dig in! This excerpt was taken from p. 180, 50 Shades of Happy: How to Master Your Thinking and Dominate Your Day.  All of Jennifer’s books are available on Amazon.

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