


Vision Boards 


You may not know it, but vision boards are a valuable tool for creating a life you dream of living. However, be warned that there is much more to this than it may first appear; it is not the act of gluing a bunch of images and words you love on poster board that makes the magic happen. The manifestation comes about as a result of your commitment to taking action towards making your dreams come true.


The creation of a vision board informs the universe that you know what you want and you are ready to make it happen. A vision board brings awareness to everything that already exists in your environment that can help you achieve your dreams. Often we will discover that these things have been around us all along, but without clarity and conviction, many things in our environment can slip by unnoticed. For me, it was learning that someone I knew had published a book. They didn’t just publish it when I made my vision board but they mentioned it and because I had that on my vision board when I heard the words “published book” my attention became laser focused.  Once we declare what we want, suddenly we can see the world around us with fresh eyes. Often we are dumbfounded by the opportunities and resources that have been with us all along- we just haven’t been clear about what we wanted and needed so it all blended into the environment! Furthermore, if you do not share with people what you are working towards, they cannot step forward to help. There are so many instances where people have told me that they never knew their close friend or relative had a skill set or a connection that could help them make their dreams a reality. All you need is already around you but you need the VISION to begin to see it!

MANY PEOPLE STAY QUIET BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO MAKE FUN OF THEM. Remember you are becoming … and that is okay!

You may declare on your vision board that you will run a 5k race by the end of summer. Your desire to run this race can even be declared with you never having considered yourself a runner. Once you have put this out into the world it is like you have told your brain, “Be on the lookout for anything that will help me achieve this goal.” Your brain will then make a secret folder in your subconscious just for this purpose. It also sets up a notification system to alert you when you come across any opportunities that may help you so that these things can make it to your conscious awareness. 

You walk out of the vision board workshop and past the running store that you have walked by a million times before. You see they have their running shoes and technical running gear on sale. Yay! You happen to need some! Then as you’re leaving with your new purchase, you also notice a poster (that has been there for months) announcing the start of the Couch to 5K Free Training Group. It happens to start this weekend! Perfect timing! Now, these opportunities will seem to be everywhere all of a sudden. It’s really quite amazing to notice what you have not been paying attention to in your world.


Did the universe just deliver these opportunities to you? No. You declared this to be important by bringing it forth on the board, and your brain is doing what you told it to do! However, now your conscious brain is aware and alert, so it picks up on the notifications that your “very smart, 24-hours-a-day working subconscious brain” is sending you. Pretty cool hey?


Before you begin making your vision board, do a little homework to get clear on what exactly you want in your life and what your top values are. These should be reflected in the items that become part of your vision board. If you do not know your values, some thought should be put into making sure that you do that initial work so that your values are reflected in your board and that each item that is on your board is in alignment with your value system.

Know what makes your heart skip a beat.

Know what makes you giddy.

Know what you want more of, and – what you don’t.

Know what you are grateful for. You want more of that!

Move toward your dreams …


Let’s get clear for the new year! Saskatoon Workshop is half full already. More details can be found here!

I hope to see you there!

If you can’t make it but you want to Vision Board – with a little guidance – Grab my Vision Board Book from Amazon! Inside there is access to some videos and worksheets to do BEFORE you create your board so that you are CLEAR and ALIGNED before bringing it all together!

AMAZON.COM – Kindle is $.99 USA/Paperback $7.95

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