
GIRL ON FIRE Book Review

I read. But I am a page flipper and a researcher and a straight to the part I need to read now kind of reader. I have lots of books on the “to read when I have the time pile.” But, some books YOU MAKE THE TIME FOR.

GIRL ON FIRE by Cara Alwill Leyba is one of those books.

First off, I love how she sets the book up but I don’t want spoil it.  Grab your own copy on Amazon and you will know what I mean.

Secondly, I didn’t want to skip parts because she gets straight to the point and brings me along with her. Cara is an empowering writer and I always leave her books feeling ready to tackle the world. Timely, as 2020 is going to be a year of  HUGE change for me and I am now feeling energized, focused and ready. Cara convinced me in the 160 pages that “I am a girl on fire and I am here to light up the world!”

Finally, Cara (in all her books) is has no bullshit, straight-forward way of communicating key ideas. She inspires action. She also has been a pioneer in the movement of female collaboration over competition. I absolutely love how she shares stories to make her point and her success is no accident. SHE SHOWS UP. 110%. She clearly demonstrates what can happen when you actually show up for yourself. She blasts through many of the socially conditioned mindsets we have that limit our potential.

As a self-published author myself, I was excited to read her take on the publishing industry and the creative freedom and SUCCESS one can enjoy as a self-published author who is prepared to accept responsibility for one’s success.  She is absolutely telling the truth that you have to be prepared to show up, do the things, roll up your sleeves and be seen. If you want something, take responsibility for it. End.Of.Story. No excuses.  This is the only way to make big magic!

I am feeling ready to take on 2020, my dreams are bigger, my heart is open, I am ready and even if I am not, I am giving myself permission to take the leap! I am going to try new things and it’s scary good to feel this excited! I have so many amazing female business owners, creators and collaborators around me and I want to see what crazy shit we can get up together.

This book is ideal for any woman who is standing on the edge of her dreams.

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